Layered Navigation Multiple Select

When implementing a multiple select in UB Layered Navigation on an attribute field that is also Multiple Select, the behavior that occurs is the equivalent of an “or” query -- all products that meet either criteria are displayed.  Based on the behavior of other eCommerce sites that use multiple select filters, the expected behavior for a user is an “and” query -- display all products that meet all selected filter criteria.  Is there a way to change this default behavior to meet customer expectations?

1 answer

Profile photo of ubdev Staff 98170.00 $tone January 20, 2020

Hi Mark,
We’re sorry for getting back to you a bit late as our team has just been back from our weekend.
Our UB Layered Navigation is following default Magento 2 functionality where each multiple select attribute (eg. color, size…) is presented by each simple product. And each simple product could not have multiple colors, sizes… The same is for Brand.
So we’re afraid the multiple select option you mentioned is beyond the feature of our layered navigation module.
Thanks for your understanding.
Ubertheme team


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