Tool does not accept my admin credentials

Hi, I purchased the Migration Pro tool again as I needed it to migrate to M2.3.5. I installed in my Docker Magento installation for testing purposes, and that worked fine. Now I moved to my production server, installed the tool, but it won’t let me past the login where it asks for my admin credentials.
I have no idea why this is -- the credentials are ok, for sure -- but I cannot use the tool now to migrate my data…

3 answers

Profile photo of ubdev Staff 98310.00 $tone May 20, 2020

Hi Arthur, 
It seems that your server has a special setting. Please apply this tweak code:
+ Download the PHP file here
+ Then, upload that file and overwrite the PHP file at pub/ub-tool/protected/components/UserMenu.php
Once done, you should be able to access the back-end of our module as normal.
Ubertheme team

Profile photo of ubdev Staff 98310.00 $tone May 21, 2020

Hi Arthur,
Once you applied the steps suggested in our reply #1, you should be able to access our module’s dashboard as normal. 
When performing the migration, please strictly follow all required steps in the Readme manual that comes packed with your download package. If you come across any issue, please pause the process and let us know the details of the issue, we will help you out.
Ubertheme team


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