2 columns layout for categories

I’m setting up a new store with changed a little Mozanis theme. I need my categories to be displayed in 2 colums with left bar. Changing custom design/page layuot in category definition doesn’t change anything on store pages. 1 column layout is working, 3 columns is working, but 2 columns (left or right) looks like 3 columns. Is there a way to change categories pages layout to 2 columns ?

By the way, I had to regenerate font for web and change the TerminalDosisLight font, as I needed some special characters. Now it displays special characters nice. You can see it here http://woda.instal-marko.pl/

1 answer

Profile photo of chavan 100.00 $tone December 10, 2011

Go to this File : app\design\frontend\default\jm_mozanis\layout\cata log.xml

you can change here. but already you have the 2 column left layout. Please clear your magento cache and check the site again.


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