After install 404 page

After install this module,
when i click on tab Ub data migration PRO
i receive 404 page not found.
Can you help me?

4 answers

Profile photo of ubdev Staff 98590.00 $tone March 21, 2018

Hi there, 
It seems you have problem with the files/folder permission. Please check again following a similar case here. If the issue still persists then, please provide us your the following credentials, we will check and help you out: 

  • Admin url of your Magento 2 instance
  • SSH and admin credentials of your Magento 2 instance
  • Let us know the path of your web root folder

PS. Please post your site credentials under a private reply, then only you and our technical team can access. 
Ubertheme team

Profile photo of ubdev Staff 98590.00 $tone March 21, 2018

Hi there, 
Glad you figured it out at your end. 
Please move forward with the migration. If you run across any issue, please pause the process and let us know the details of issue, we will help you out. 
PS. Make sure you follow strictly our Readme.html instruction that comes packed with your download package. 
Ubertheme team


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