After migration from magento 1.9 to magento 2.3.3 color attribute filter not showing on layered navigation while selecting as ‘Filterable (with results)’ .

  1. Profile photo of DI InfotechDI Infotech -20.00 $tone February 4, 2020
    After migration from magento 1.9 to magento 2.3.3 color attribute filter not showing on layered navigation while selecting as ‘Filterable (with results)’ but when I select as ‘Filterable (no results)’ then it shows on the layered navigation like (

1 answer

Profile photo of ubdev Staff 98590.00 $tone February 4, 2020

Hi there, 
This refers to the color attribute setting of your Magento 2 backend only.
We have tested in our local instance with a migrated database, and the color attribute was shown normally on default Magento 2 layered navigation. Please see these screenshots of our testing instance for reference:

Please check Magento 2 layered navigation guide and your setting once again.
Ubertheme team


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