I am having some problems with my JM Wall theme.
None of my products are displaying once I click the category from drop down options. What causes this?
I have tried everything under the sun that I know to try and get them to appear, the category is displaying with the details for that category and the featured image.
I have also tried the following from other site suggestions:
The products must be Visible in Catalog.
The products must be Enabled.
Product must have a stock Quantity.
The product must be set to In Stock.
If the product is set not to track stock, it still has to have a stock Quantity and be set to In Stock.
The product must be assigned to the target Category.
You must refresh your Cache / Indices
I have tried all the above to try and get them to appear but nothing works, there is just a blank section below the category title / description and featured image.
Any suggestions on what to do? I really need this working by tomorrow (UK time) as I have a marketing campaign launching and the site isn’t working properly.
I know the joomlart staff don’t work on weekends but is there anything I can do?
3 answers
I just re-index data in your admin (System/Index Management), your site works fine now. Please check again.
It would appear whatever you have done, you have completely stopped my website working altogether now. I had to restore my site to a backup I made the other day to get the site working again.
Do you have skype? As i really need to fix this problem with the categories not showing and the slideshow not appearing on mobile phones, or the 3 feature images not showing on mobile phones.
I feel chatting about this through skype would help instead of 1 message at a time every 24 hours as I am in the UK and the time difference is inconvenient
Our team has just replied to you via your ticket ID: RMB-863-98046. Kindly follow up further there.
PS. I am afraid our technical support service is maintained via Forum and ticket only. So direct reply via skype is not available. Hope for your understanding on our situation.