I want to show the first 6 products as the newest ones and the rest arrange by most visited. They all should look similar, no need to have a big tittle saying “Newest Products”, I have tried to do this a lot with all block codes, but can’t get it right. Is it possible?
5 answers
Hi rafaelobo,
JM PRODUCTS show as the admin panel with the latest update.
If you want to show the newest products. please follow these steps.
1. Go to app\code\local\JoomlArt\JmProducts\Helper
2. Open file Data.php
3. Update code at the 82th line:
change ‘updated_at’ to ‘entity_id’
4. Click [Save] button
Have a look and let’s me know how it goes.
Best regards,
It’s not a issue, I just did not figure out how to put JM PRODUCTS as I want. I want the first 4 products to be the newest one and the rest of products to show as the admin panel. If you can help me with that I would Appreciate Kan.
Page: http://beta.gocase.com.br/
Admin Url: http://beta.gocase.com.br/admingocase
Login: gocase , password: go#1234
you go to admin -> CMS-> Pages -> Home -> Click Design tab in the left column
-> in Layout Update XML add
<block type=”joomlart_jmproducts/list” name=”home.jmproducts.list1″ template=”joomlart/jmproducts/list.phtml” >
<action method=”setData”>
<value>Jm Products </value>
<action method=”setData”>
<action method=”setData”>
<action method=”setData”>
<action method=”setData”>
bellow <reference name=”content”>.
Have a look and let’s me know how it goes.
Best regards.