Where does we change the
4 answers
Hi mate,
How did you want to change the block ?
It’s defined in the layout file of app\design\frontend\default\jm_sporty\layout\page. xml, there you would see this block
HTML Code:
<block type="cms/block" name="position-8"> <block type="newsletter/subscribe" name="position-8" template="newsletter/subscribe.phtml"/> </block>
so you can the template file if app\design\frontend\default\jm_sportytemplatenew sletter\subscribe.phtml
Hope that helps
So, what does I have to do if I want that magento load french or english version of the text that appears in the subscribe.phtml ?
you just open one of your locale file, For example app\locale\your_language\Mage_Newsletter.csv to add translated texts.
HTML Code:
"Get The latest","your translated goes here"
Repeat that for those text of
Make sure you dont miss interesting happenings by joining our newsletter program. We dont do spam. Ever. Because that sucks
I hope you get it.
Oh, ok, it not like the other block position !
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