BookShop theme old issues reappear

Hello Ubertheme!
I am using Bookshop theme for quite some time and I am quite happy with it.
Lately I’ve discovered some “old” issues which you helped me to fix when I just purchased the theme got re-introduced.
I’ve got all code in version control, so there were no changes to the theme files for a while. 
All changes I made were from the Admin Console.
In particular I can see:

  • some CSS layout issues with jm-tabs plugin after I changed the Home page to point into the main category instead of static CMS
  • jm-tabs plugin in Mobile View(horizontal layout) does not display properly -- it just creates lots of white space. in the Vertical layout this plugin is not shown, so it is not an issue
  • In mobile Vertical view I can see “Filters” but I can’t expand it -- it’s not clickable, it’s ok in Horizontal view
  • question marks appearing in some products names (the site is in russian) -- you helped me to fix it long time ago, but looks like it is back, not sure when and why this happened
  • in mobile version of a website -- the sign for busket is missing and only single “)” present in vertical view. In horizontal view there are also items, but also some odd “)”.
  • question marks appearing in some products names (the site is in russian) -- you helped me to fix it long time ago, but looks like it is back, not sure when and why this happened

Is it something you can help me with?
The site address

  1. Profile photo of akozichevakozichev 150.00 $tone April 25, 2019
    also there are some errors when site is loading, like file "configurableswatches.css" is missing

1 answer

Profile photo of ubdev Staff 98590.00 $tone April 26, 2019

Hi Andrey, 
Thanks for using our (M1) Bookshop theme so far.
It’s pity that due to our limited resources, we hardly find a chance to update our Bookshop theme to the latest M1 version.
We noticed that your subscription expired for long since April 28, 2017. However, we’re in a hard situation for not being able to provide you update to the (M1) Bookshop theme, so we could not suggest you the option to renew the subscription.
Could you please find a developer who can help you with the Bookshop troubleshooting?
Thanks for your understanding.
Ubertheme team


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