Earlier your team fixed a bug with Pixeri template and processing paypal, PayPal Payments Advanced. I’m running into a problem now with processing orders with mobile devices.
When I use my iPod (my client tested with her iPhone) and attempt to place an order once I go through the cart and on the payment page click "Credit Card". Credit card is set up with Paypal Payments Advanced. AFter selecting Credit Card you go to Order Review page.
What should happen is that you click on "Continue to Payment" and it redraws the page with PayPal credit card input fields and expiration. What it does is refreshes the page. So then you click on "Continue to Payment" again and you end up at:
Shopping Cart is Empty
I tested this using jm_pixeri_iphone, ipone and also with jm_odinis_iphone. One of my tested involved swapping out the ‘frontend’ folder with the jm_odinis version. This made no difference.
2 answers
After submitting the ticket I contacted PayPal. They confirmed that everything was right on the PayPal side and pointed to either Magento or the theme as the root cause.
I backed up both the filesystem and database then upgraded Magento to It broke the theme modestly, but I was able to get to the shop and run both desktop/mobile tests.
Desktop worked; mobile checkout still failed with JM_Pixeri.
So with backups in hand I ran another test. I installed a vanilla version of magento Set up a single product and set up paypal payments advanced and enabled the default iphone mobile view.
Desktop worked as expected -- and this time Mobile checkout worked. When going through the checkout and at Order Review page whence I click to continue it repaints the page with "PayPal credit card checkout input fields." Success with vanilla magento.
So next test -- I copied in the jm_pixeri_iphone mobile theme, tested, and back to broke. I’m going to do one more test, installing a Joomlart 1.7 magento theme and see whether it works in vanilla mode. Is anyone on the joomlart team following this problem?
Hi bobmeetin again,
Currently, this magento theme -- JM Pixeri, is compatible and works well in magento version 1.6.1, we are in process of upgrading this theme and other magento theme to the latest version of magento 1.7. So if you test this theme now, it may have some functions not work properly in version 1.7. The upgrading takes time but it will be available pretty soon, so please be patient.