color combination

How to create easily new color combination than default ones?

1 answer

Profile photo of Seoki Lee 1510.00 $tone January 10, 2014

You can use our extension JM Basetheme to add your personalized new theme color:

1. Go to your admin > Joomlart -> JM Base Theme:
-- Inside "JM Basetheme: Profile Settings", set "Active profile" with "default", then click "Clone this profile" and insert your profile name, click "OK".
-- Insert color for your new profile
Attachment 32846

2. CMS -> Static Blocks
Choose static block with identifier "colors", add link to your new color in "Content":


<a class="colors-profile-name" href="{{store url=""}}?jmcolor=profile-name"><span>profile-name</span></a>

Then click "Save Block"

Now it’s all set. You can go to the front-end to check the new color.


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