Critical: Mouse Hover on Mega Menu

Hi, when I’ll hover over child-content in Mega Menu and after that leave the child-content, the browser still remember the hover. I think the bug is in ub-menu.js
Please your advice.
Below you can see the relevant lnk


  1. I solved the problem myself, but many thanks for the prompt reply. Best Regards,Galina

2 answers

Profile photo of Ziven Staff 100720.00 $tone November 3, 2022

Hi There,

Hi, when I’ll hover over child-content in Mega Menu and after that leave the child-content, the browser still remember the hover. I think the bug is in ub-menu.js

This is a transition issue. In order to fix this issue, please follow these steps:
-- Go to the file: app\code\Ubertheme\UbMegaMenu\view\frontend\web\css\source\module\_horizontal.less
-- At line 178  move the code: transition: opacity .4s, visibility .4s; to under line 915.
-- Once done the code should look like:

When you finish the steps please re-compile the static files. 

Best Regards,


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