delete migrated product

I am trying to delete some migrated products that we do not need anymore and i am getting the following SQL error on my Magento 2 site.
SQLSTATE[22003]: Numeric value out of range: 1690 BIGINT UNSIGNED value is out of range in ‘(`devgroup_magento214dev`.`q`.`items_count` -- 1)’, query was: UPDATE `quote` AS `q` INNER JOIN `quote_item` AS `qi` ON q.entity_id = qi.quote_id AND qi.parent_item_id IS NULL AND qi.product_id = 577 SET `q`.`items_qty` = `q`.`items_qty` -- `qi`.`qty`, `q`.`items_count` = `q`.`items_count` -- 1
Is it because the item count is 0 and it is trying to subtract 1?

1 answer

Profile photo of Mall Staff 184060.00 $tone December 13, 2017

Hi there,

Is it because the item count is 0 and it is trying to subtract 1?

Yes, to solve that issue let’s re-update the value of the ‘item_count’ filed to ‘1’ (this field in table named ‘quote’ in M2 database)


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