How to create that type of block like in Purity demo page: "Did you know?"
Thanks and cheers
8 answers
Are you asking a question for yourself, or offering a solution?
Are you asking a question for yourself, or offering a solution?
You should get some sleep.
I am asking HOW-TO.
You should get some sleep.
I am asking HOW-TO.
You should learn basic grammar . . . Your thread title is misleading.
Try "Do You Know How To . . ?."
"How Do I . . . . ?"
The "Did you know?" is in brackets. Did you acualy read the topic. Don’t you see image? Don’t you see demo?
Ok, solved.
You should create a callout. And then create a block in catalog.xml.
Another way to create that block is introduced here: http://www.joomlart.com/forums/showthread.php?t=29026.
It is not the way if you use 3columns
Hi, could anyone explain how this could be done for right or left column (3 colum setup) also is it possible to add futher boxes with images?
I have tried to find the information on the internet but i cannot find anything to date.
Any help appreciated.
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