I am currently trying to Migrate datafrom our Magento 1 site to the Magento 2 site but every time I try to set up the “Databases” tab I get the following error:
“Couldn’t connect to Magento 1 database: Connection refused”
Both the original website and the new Magento 2 database have the same host (localhost:3306) and as far as I can tell I am using the right credentials
Would some one be able to advise please?
23 answers
Hi there,
“Couldn’t connect to Magento 1 database: Connection refused”
Both the original website and the new Magento 2 database have the same host (localhost:3306) and as far as I can tell I am using the right credentials
Does your M1 database has same MySQL server with M2 database? If not, you must enable remote connection from M2 server to MySQL in M1’s server.
I thought that they were on the same server, I’ll check with our hosting provider.
If it turns out that they are not. How would I enable a remote connection from the M1 server?
Hi Guys
We’ve spoken to our hosting provider and he has suggested to change some settings in both the “Source” and “Target” database setting.
We have changed the source details with no problem and the error has changed so this is not a problem but the “Target” details seem to be added automatically.
Is there a way to change these so that we can try the new details that our hosting provider has suggested?
Hi there,
Is there a way to change these so that we can try the new details that our hosting provider has suggested?
You could manual check in the databases configuration file of our migration tool at path:
Hi there,
Couldn’t connected to Magento 2 database: Connection refused
Can you suggest how I might resolve this?
I need a closer look to detect the root issue you mentioned. Let’s provide me information about your instance:
+ Admin credentials and URL to back-end
+ SSH credentials and path to M2 folder
I will help to check further and get back you then.
I’m not comfortable providing access to our system over a public forum.
Is there somewhere private I can send temporary login details for the site and SSH.
Hi there,
Actually, once you mark your reply ‘private’, then it’s safe to share your site info here, only and our technical team can access.
Anyway, you can send your site credentials to our info (at) ubertheme.com if you choose to.
Ubertheme team
Hi there,
Just sent a screenshot to your admin email so you can see what I’m seeing.
But I got this when open a connection from terminal in Ubuntu: http://i.prntscr.com/UYsD4u2FTFWWwGpDIewChA.png
I’ve spoken to our hosting provider and it seems like this is a security issue. More than likely the firewall on the port is blocking access.
If you can give me the IP address you are connecting from I’ll get this white-listed for you and you should be able to connect.
Hi there,
Please do whitelist for our office IPs below:
I will help to check further when I back to my office in tomorrow.
Hi. No problem.
I have spoken to our hosting provider and they have white-listed these I.P’s so you should be able to connect as long as you are using one of these three.
Hi there,
I’ve checked your instance and saw your M2 instance has a special setting in the MySQL host configuration in the config file at: app/etc/env.php
I helped to change the configuration as per this screenshot: http://i.prntscr.com/RAykNzZERbSzcpvsoDd3bA.png
And now you could continue with the database settings in Step #1 of our migration tool: https://prnt.sc/m7aai8
If you have any further question, feel free to get back to me here.
Hi. Thank you, this seems to be working now.
I do have one further question if you wouldn’t mind. We’re planning to keep our Magento 1 site running until we’re ready to switch over to the Magento 2 site but we would like to migrate all the customer data over to test the site prior to switching.
Is it possible to run the migration extension more than once just to update the database with new records once they are in rather than overwriting them completely import the database all over again?
Hi there,
Is it possible to run the migration extension more than once just to update the database with new records once they are in rather than overwriting them completely import the database all over again?
Yes. After the first migration is completed, you can do delta migrate to update changes. Please learn more about the delta migration option in the Readme.html included in your downloaded package.
That’s great. Thanks for all your help.
Hi there,
We close this ticket for now. In case you have any additional question, please submit a new ticket or get back to us here.
Ubertheme team