Error on save Menu Item

Hello, didn’t have to change anything in the menu for a long time, now there was an error when saving.
You sent me Atoms 1.0.7 with a version of MegaMenu 1.2.8. Have now loaded Mega Menu 1.2.9 from your site. When saving menu items I still get this error:
..magento24/pub/index.php(30): Magento\FrameworkAppBootstrap->run()
#23 {main} {“exception”:”[object] (Error(code: 0): Class \”Ubertheme\\UbMegaMenu\\Controller\\Adminhtml\\Item\\FilterInput\” not found at ../magento24 /app/code/Ubertheme/UbMegaMenu/Controller/Adminhtml/Item/PostDataProcessor.php:47)”} []
When comparing the source code for old versions:
public function filter($data)
$inputFilter = new \Zend_Filter_Input(

For version 1.2.8 and 1.2.9:
public function filter($data)
$inputFilter = new FilterInput(

Changing it to $inputFilter = new \Zend_Filter_Input
Works it again. But is this the correct way?
Please reply quickly.
And why can’t I see any instruction images in the documentation on your site?
And why can’t I download the latest version of Atoms in my Downloads? There is Version 1.0.6
Best Regards

Magento 2.4.6-p1
PHP 8.1.20
Atoms 1.0.7

2 answers

Profile photo of Ziven Staff 100720.00 $tone July 7, 2023

Hi There,

Have now loaded Mega Menu 1.2.9 from your site. When saving menu items I still get this error:

In the new version, we have made updates according to Magento Core for clients who want to switch to Open Search as suggested by Magento. However, if you are still using Elastic Search, please follow the steps below.

1/ Go to the file: 
app/code/Ubertheme/UbMegaMenu/Controller/Adminhtml/Group/PostDataProcessor.php find the code:

$inputFilter = new FilterInput(

and change to:

$inputFilter = new \Zend_Filter_Input(

2/ Go to the file: 
app/code/Ubertheme/UbMegaMenu/Controller/Adminhtml/Item/PostDataProcessor.php find the code:

$inputFilter = new FilterInput(

 and change to:

$inputFilter = new \Zend_Filter_Input(

3/ Once done please flush the Magento System Cache.

And why can’t I see any instruction images in the documentation on your site?

It looks like there’s a problem with image loading at the documentation page for UB Atoms. Our team has been notified to correct this issue.

And why can’t I download the latest version of Atoms in my Downloads? There is Version 1.0.6

Currently the latest version is 1.0.7 however we haven’t been able to push it to the official download section yet. If you need to download v1.0.7 please let me know I can send you the download link directly.
Best Regards,


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