Hi There
Followed your quickly installation guide to install the UB BookShop for Magento 2. I only see one theme that that’s defaulted to the red scheme. Your UB Theme Helper says that I should be able to see all available themes to select from?
I was expecting to see the following theme options:
2) Would also appreciate how i can hide the Setting menu (the one that has colors and languages options) at the top
22 answers
Hi There,
#1: Your UB Theme Helper says that I should be able to see all available themes to select from?
-> To change to color in this theme please go to admin -> Content -> UB Theme Helper -> Theme Configuration -> UB BOOKSHOP -> Theme -> Color -> Pages -> Primary Color and all color setting we setup in here. Please try to see and change like you want to.
#2: Would also appreciate how I can hide the Setting menu (the one that has colors and languages options) at the top
-> Please go to the file: app\design\frontend\Ubertheme\bookshop\Magento_Theme\templates\html\quicksettings.phtml and remove code from 25->43
Please let me know if you need help further.
Best Regards,
Thanks for your response Ziven.
Appreciate if you can also help me identify the .css file (if there is a way via Theme Configuration) that i need to change from red to some other color when I hover e.g. Feature menu in http://ethiopicbooks.com/
I just can’t seem to find a way to change the color from red to some thing else.
Hi There,
Please go to the file: app\design\frontend\Ubertheme\bookshop\Ubertheme_UbMegaMenu\web\css\source\module\_horizontal.less at line 180 and change background like you want to.
Best Regards,
thanks for you support. really appreciate
happy to give your theme 5 stars
Got another silly question. I want to change the color of the ‘Add to cart’ icon hyperlink on the landing page here http://ethiopicbooks.com/ to another color. Currently it is displaying as red. Can you point me to the CSS file pls.
Thanks again
Hi Yonas,
With this button, we are using the image: http://ethiopicbooks.com/pub/static/version1507989367/frontend/Ubertheme/bookshop/en_US/images/btn-cart.png
Please go to edit this image like you want to.
Please let me know if you need help further.
Best Regards,
Hi Thanks for your continued support
I added some product images and when I refreshed the page it loads without the CSS/presentation layer -- see http://ethiopicbooks.com/ for what it looks like
I attempted to clean cache/reindex etc but still unable to resolve the issue
Appreciate your help again
Hi There,
Please go to SSH and type CLI like below to re-compile css. Because your server not strong that why you need type CLI like below.
from the root site:
step1: rm -rf var/*
step2: rm -rf pub/static/*
step3: php -f bin/magento setup:static-content:deploy
Hope it will help you.
Please let me know if you need help further.
Best Regards,
Hey Ziven
Tried as suggested but still not working? Any other hint?
Hi Yonas,
I think problem because of the permission. Please share the FTP, and SSH I will help you detect and let you know why.
Best Regards,
Hi Yonas,
I tried to see path root site but i did not see. http://prntscr.com/h23k0k
Please let me know the path of the root site.
Best Regards,
Try this:
It should work
Hi Yonas,
I know the path admin.
I want to know the pass. SSH go to the root site like image i sent you.
Please let me know.
Best Regards,
Hi Yonas,
I see the folder. I will check more details and let you know soon.
Best Regards,
Hi Yonas,
I tried type CLI to flush the cache and see this message: http://prntscr.com/h25jex
Please tell me how to and let me know.
Best Regards,
Hi Ziven -- follow these steps:
[root@s192-169-244-187 home]# cd ethiopicbooks
[root@s192-169-244-187 ethiopicbooks]# cd php
[root@s192-169-244-187 php]# source /opt/cpanel/ea-php70/enable
[root@s192-169-244-187 php]# cd ..
[root@s192-169-244-187 ethiopicbooks]# cd public_html
[root@s192-169-244-187 public_html]# php -f bin/magento cache:flush
See here https://prnt.sc/h28yjb
Hi Yonas,
I checked and see the problem from your server. The memory was not enough to compile LESS to CSS: http://prntscr.com/h2jgnq
Please contact with your host provider to get help on this. Once done, please try to compile LESS to CSS again.
Best Regards,
Hi Ziven
Yes, that finally resolved the issue. Thanks for your help. Much appreciated as always
Hi Yonas,
Glad we can help. We have this ticket closed for now. Should you have additional question, please submit a new ticket, we will help you out.
PS. Our team is off in the weekend, so our apology for delay in responding throughout the weekend.
Ubertheme team