I can only get one main menu in top but I need two one with Dutch descriptions and one with English. I can make these but I can only show one because the name must be main-menu and you can only have one. the second one I named mani-menu-en (english) but I cannot display that on the English homepage. It looks like this theme is not very well suitable to use with more languages.
4 answers
Hi there,
To get other language and descriptions you will need add new MegaMenu in another store. http://prntscr.com/g853pl
To more details you can refer this docs: https://www.ubertheme.com/docs/ub-mega-menu/
Best Regards,
I understand that. But how to get that new menu in the homepage of that store if it is the main-menu in top.
Hi There,
I am sorry for not getting your points. It would be awesome if you can possibly include URL of your site and a screenshot with detailed explanation. I am happy to help you out.
Best Regards,
Hi there,
I have checked and see the issue you mentioned in your clarifications and attached screenshot.
I got it fixed, and here is the menu of your English store view: http://prntscr.com/g8mtzv; and here’s the Menu of Dutch store view: http://prntscr.com/g8muf5
I simply change the menu key name from main-menu-en to main-menu in your English store view that you set up.
Hope this helps.
Best Regards,