How do you edit products from the Hot Books, Best Sellers & Staff Picks tabs?


How do you edit products from the Hot Books, Best Sellers & Staff Picks tabs? Currently they’re all the same for each category.


1 answer

Profile photo of Sherlock 0.00 $tone December 31, 2013

Hi obharucha,

In your back-end, you navigate to CMS >> Pages, those three static blocks are generated from the static blocks of position-4,position-5 and position-6. Suppose that you edit the position-4 block, you would see:

HTML Code:

 <div class="home-slider">{{block type="joomlart_jmproductsslider/list" name="home.jmproductsslider" title="Hot Books" catsid="8"}}</div>

The snippet shows that the extension get products from the category whose id = 8 (via the attribute catsid="8"), you can change the category id here for the Hot Books block to show product from another category.


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