Hi, I would like that the image of my products (on list and view) can be the original size of my image that I have put in Magento and not the height and width preset by the BookStore for all products.
Is it possible to change this?
Thank you!
3 answers
Hi Dialoguenet,
I am sorry for not getting your points. It would be awesome if you can possibly include URL of your site and a screenshot with detailed explanation. I am happy to help you out.
Best Regards,
Yes I am sorry, my english is not very good.
But here what I found for my problem and it work well:
Magento consists of inbuilt resize function which is used in many phtml files like list.phtml and product view pages.It looks like this:
<img src=”<?php echo $this->helper(‘catalog/image’)->init($_product, ‘small_image’)->resize(122, 106); ?>” />
This default resize function resize the images with white spaces around the images. To avoid this Situation We have to add a line before that resize function.(->keepFrame(false)).<img src=”<?php echo $this->helper(‘catalog/image’)->init($_product, ‘small_image’) ->keepFrame(false) ->resize(122, 106); ?>” />
There U go! Now ur image resized without white spaces.
Like this, I have the reel size of my image.
Thank you Ziven for your time!
Hi Manon,
Please let me know if you have problem want to resolve.
Best Regards,