How this theme is working

Hello Team,
We are using your theme Uber Bookshop. There are many questions raising in our mind that how they actually being handle in theme; we are listing them down and expecting guidance;
FYI, we don’t have any idea that which version we are currently using, what we can tell you is that we purchased this theme from you on 31st march and we are still using same version. As we have made many customization in theme and near to launch our website so we are not in position to go for new version so please don’t guide us towards theme upgradation.
Our website URL is
We have lots of confusions in this theme which are listed below and it would be great help if you can please sort them out;

  1. We have no clue how “Today’s Highlight” is being handle? Please guide…
  2. How “Best Seller” “Hot Books” & “Staff Picks” being handle?
  3. How “Genres” being handle in theme? As we have added 100s of books under “Genre” but it doesn’t appearing at front end equally. 
  4. As per them, there are 10 books appearing at category page; how we can extend that? Suppose we want to show 20 books at category page in default.
  5. As per our learning, the search mechanism is very pathetic. It doesn’t searching any book unless we type complete book name. Please guide how it is working.
  6. What’s the difference in “Latest Books” & “Special Books”. As per concept, there must be some difference in them. 

Please answer above queries individually & as mentioned above don’t push us towards theme upgradation as it is not possible at this stage. We are expecting quick response on above queries as it is the only hurdle for us to make our portal live. 
Kind Regards,

3 answers

Profile photo of Ziven Staff 100720.00 $tone May 22, 2017

Hi There,
#We have no clue how “Today’s Highlight” is being handled? Please guide…
We only call one widget default by Magento with this code:

<div class="today-hightlight">
<div class="title"><span>Today hightlight</span></div>
<div class="content">{{widget type="Magento\Catalog\Block\Product\Widget\NewWidget" display_type="new_products" products_count="4" template="product/widget/new/content/new_grid.phtml"}}</div>

Like you see no any Special in here. If you want working like this title please find and search some extension to apply it.
#How “Best Seller” “Hot Books” & “Staff Picks” being handle?
We made it show up with UB ContentSlider and it working with all attribute like this guide.
#How “Genres” being handle in the theme? As we have added 100s of books under “Genre” but it doesn’t appear at front end equally. 
I don’t understand your mean. Also, your site has been dying I can’t connect. Please check.
#As per them, there are 10 books appearing at category page; how we can extend that? Suppose we want to show 20 books at category page by default.
Please go to admin -> Stores -> Configuration -> CATALOG -> CATALOG -> Storefront -> Products per Page on Grid Allowed Values To change your value you want input.
#As per our learning, the search mechanism is very pathetic. It doesn’t searching any book unless we type complete book name. Please guide how it is working.
We only show this function by Magento 2 Default Please use another extension for show exactly you want to.
#What’s the difference in “Latest Books” & “Special Books”. As per concept, there must be some difference in them.
I don’t understand your mean. Also, your site has been dying I can’t connect. Please check.
Best Regards,

Profile photo of websouls 0.00 $tone May 23, 2017

Please have a look at our comments in red color;
#How “Best Seller” “Hot Books” & “Staff Picks” being handle?
We made it show up with UB ContentSlider and it working with all attribute like this guide.

<we already have visited this guide but still have confusion in it; where from this block is being handle? Like we noticed that every latest product is appearing under “Hot Books” and if we want to mark a specific book as “Hot Books” that is not being appear under “Hot Books”>

#How “Genres” being handle in the theme? As we have added 100s of books under “Genre” but it doesn’t appear at front end equally. 
I don’t understand your mean. Also, your site has been dying I can’t connect. Please check.
<Like we noticed that genres filters are associated to single category which is “Books”. Now we created couple of our own categories and we want to show genres filters against those categories in left side bar as well, please guide how we could do this?>

#As per our learning, the search mechanism is very pathetic. It doesn’t searching any book unless we type complete book name. Please guide how it is working.
We only show this function by Magento 2 Default Please use another extension for show exactly you want to.

<Would you please share any extension?>

Regards \ Shahid

Profile photo of Ziven Staff 100720.00 $tone May 23, 2017

Hi There,
#we already have visited this guide but still have confusion in it; where from this block is being handle? Like we noticed that every latest product is appearing under “Hot Books” and if we want to mark a specific book as “Hot Books” that is not being appear under “Hot Books”
--> I Will need you share admin again to check more details. for now your site still dying.  Please re-check and let me know when it come.
#Like we noticed that genres filters are associated to single category which is “Books”. Now we created couple of our own categories and we want to show genres filters against those categories in left side bar as well, please guide how we could do this?
Please go to admin -> Products -> Categories -> Choice one categories. -> Display Settings -> and enable Anchor. 
Now you will see filter in the left sidebar of this categories in front-end.
#Would you please share any extension?
-> For now Magento 2 extension not much. If you really want it. I refer you send one quote for us We will made extension like exactly you want to. 
Hope you are doing as well.
Best Regards,


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