How to add the HOME link on main menu on JM Purity?
I tried to locate the top.phtml at app/design/frontend/default/jm_purity/template/catalog/navigation
But the folder was not there…
How to solve this problem?
1 answer
1. create navigation folder in app\design\frontend\default\jm_puritytemplate\cat alog\ folder
2. copy app\design\frontend\base\defaulttemplate\catalog\ navigationtop.phtml file to app\design\frontend\default\jm_puritytemplate\cat alognavigation\ folder
3. open app\design\frontend\default\jm_puritytemplate\cat alognavigationtop.phtml and add red code line
<div class="nav-container"> <ul id="nav"> <li class="level0"><a href="<?php echo $this->getUrl('')?>">Home</a></li> <?php echo $_menu ?> </ul> </div>
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