how to change the banner in magento

Anonymous asked June 2, 2009

Hi there,

I have a requirement where admin can change the banner from back end. Is this default in magento or need to be customized?how and where to customize?

thanks for your help

7 answers

kumarangopi 0.00 $tone June 6, 2009

is it Joomla art template? Does not look like it to me. Well, I am still new to Joomlart but it does not look like joomlart work.

No, its Magento

kumarangopi 0.00 $tone June 6, 2009

I have noticed it is magento. I was asking if it is template from Joomlart as it looks different

oh sorry. its not from joomlart. we have designed. I found the solution by hardcoding a php file. We have written a file such that admin can upload many files for banner and select any one from them. Let me know if you have any extension/module for it.


Profile photo of Urszula Dziki 0.00 $tone June 7, 2009

Wow. I wish I was so smart lol..but I am sure if anyone -- joomlart developers will find some similar concept in magneto.. would be great.

I like way you coded ad your review after review is done and the call outs at the bottom. Very smart.


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