Hi, my site have 5 categories and for 2 categories I have disabled the right column using the 1 column layout. But problem is items per row is still 3. Now I need 4 items per row for these category pages.
Can this be done? I went in to system/config/jm products and change item per row to 4 but no change in frontend.
Thank you.
5 answers
Hi Will,
Please make it clearer, do you want to show 4 items per row in Home page or in Category page?
Some categories are using 1 column layout and some are using 2 columns with right bar layout. I need the 1 column layout to have 4 items per row, 4 columns instead of 3. The home page is fine, just need the category pages and also the advanced search result page to be 4 items per row.
Please see this demo link and you will know what I’m talking about. Basically all pages who uses the 1 column layout is display 3 items per row which should be 4.
please copy paste entire link to your browser.
Hi vertex615,
Please open file: \app\design\frontend\default\jm_scerif (your default theme)\layout\catalog.xml
Find the code that is something like:
<action method="setColumnCount"><count>3</count></action>
change 3 to 4: desired amount of products per row.
There are 2 occurrences of the code in catalog.xml so get them both to be sure. Then flush your magento cache and it should all be sweet
Its actually \app\design\frontend\default\jm_scerif (your default theme)\layout\catalogsearch.xml
I was able to make advanced search results 4 items per row. Thanks anyway.
That’s right, sir. I forgot your second question for search result page, my suggestion is for category page.
Best Regards.