How to make images in Description responsive?

Currently I have images in product description, which is the width of product page on desktop version, when I view it i mobile version, the image stretch out of screen, is there something I need to configure in mobile CSS to make img responsive?

4 answers

Profile photo of Ziven Staff 100720.00 $tone September 30, 2014

I’m afraid that there is not configuration option for this, you can post your site’s URL here, I will take a look and suggest you change in CSS.

Profile photo of jooservices 0.00 $tone September 30, 2014

Hi there,
I’m not sure if any frontend skill can do that. But in case can’t you still can do that from server side.
-- Determine OS / Browser from request
-- Return different HTML depends on OS / Browser ( that we can know is mobile / tablet / or desktop ).

Thank you,
Viet Vu


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