My shopping cart doesn’t show up. I have the Crafts theme enabled and most of it works, but when I hover over the Cart button, the backgrounds fades but there only shows a little white square, not the cart. How can I fix this?
See a screenshot here:
6 answers
Okay solution was simple, you have to enable the Shopping Cart Sidebar
Configuration -> Sales -> Checkout -> Shopping Cart Sidebar
-- Enable: Yes
-- max items: 3 (or atleast > 0)
Not it shows fine. Thanks anyways.
Hi Dirk,
The default theme from us. It’s working fine. I think you are customize some file in here. But i’m not sure. Please send me the link website and FTP, admin account i will see and for you know reason.
Best Regards,
Hi Dirk,
The FTP can’t login. I have try many time for it. but never success.
Please recheck and help me send again right here with option “Private”
Best Regards,
Hi Dirk,
I have debug and see you are change the file checkout.xml not same like from us.
Please try update the file checkout.xml from us and it will working fine.
We don’t support it if you are customize from us.
Best Regards,
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