Installing extensions magento 1.7

If extensions are not showing up after uploading, make sure you flush the magento cache.

System > Cache Management

figured it out whilst posting this question.

3 answers

Profile photo of Mark Kennedy 0.00 $tone January 2, 2014

Now they show up in the menu in system > configuration

but when I click on them I get a 404 page error.

Although JM Base Theme does show up when you click system > configuration. But when you click on the link you still get the same error.

Is there any way to get a quickstart for magento 1.7?

Profile photo of Sherlock 0.00 $tone January 3, 2014

They now work. I didn’t do anything. Maybe it was some sort of cache thing I don’t know, but now I can get to the settings for all of the extensions.

A simple tip: after uploading or installing an extension, you should logout and then re-login to access the extensions’s configuration section.


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