IOS devices will not renew css cache

On our site: we made some changes in the layout css-files for tablet and mobile.
With our Android devices we see the changes but we can not make IOS reload the changes.
We have tried clearing the browser-cache and loading the page in “private”/”incognito” browser-window. Furtermore we have tried to clear the Magento cache.
Are we doing anything wrong or overlooking anything?

3 answers

Profile photo of Ziven Staff 100720.00 $tone March 31, 2016

Hi There,
This problem by IOS please try see this solution:
If you can’t do please buyservices from us: 
We will help you happy.
Best Regards,

Profile photo of Ziven Staff 100720.00 $tone May 3, 2016

Hi Jean,
I think your problem has been resolved Please try to PM @xpyre for your question.
Best Regards,


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