is it possible to run delta migration twice?
Thank you.
7 answers
Hi there,
It’s possible to run delta migration multiple times. However, there are a few notes below:
- If in the first migration, you did not enable the Keep Original IDs setting, you can continue the delta migration as normal.
- If you did enable Keep Original IDs and added testing data after the first migration, then you need to delete your testing data (before running the delta migration), otherwise, it might lead to ID conflict issues.
You can either run the delta migration via the module’s admin dashboard or using CLI commands. Please refer to the Readme manual to learn more about the Delta migration feature.
Ubertheme team
Is it possible to migrate data with your module on databse which is on the other server? I mean, database is on cloudways and the code is on aws. Because target database is default localhost. When I change connection to database in env.php, target database is still on localhost. Why? How is it working? Doest this set target dabaatse by database in env.php?
Beacuse on aws there is only test database and the production database is on the cloudways. So we have tried migration on test database and now we wonna migrate to production.
Hi there,
We’d like to clarify further below:
Is it possible to migrate data with your module on databse which is on the other server? I mean, database is on cloudways and the code is on aws.
We wonder if you want to migrate data to an M2 DB in a remote server (which is not the M2 DB of the M2 instance where you install our UB Data Migration Pro module). Please help to confirm this.
Beacuse on aws there is only test database and the production database is on the cloudways. So we have tried migration on test database and now we wonna migrate to production.
It would be best if you can install our module on an M2 instance on the Cloudways server (production instance). Then proceed with the data migration from there.
Ubertheme team
We wonder if you want to migrate data to an M2 DB in a remote server (which is not the M2 DB of the M2 instance where you install our UB Data Migration Pro module). Please help to confirm this.
Yes, that right.
The module doesnt work on cloudways, we had problem wight nginx conf. Thats why we set magento on aws with test database. But the production database is still on cloudways.
We connect magento eshop on aws to the database on cloudways. But when I run delta migration I dont see for example in ub_migrate_map_step_6 new data in rows. Why?
Migration is working. I tried on categories. But is it possible to run delta migration faster? Beacuse we have about 100 00 customers and its running slowly.
Hi there,
We connect magento eshop on aws to the database on cloudways. But when I run delta migration I dont see for example in ub_migrate_map_step_6 new data in rows. Why?
So please verify all M2 DB credentials in the config file of our module at
pub/ub-tool/protected/config/db.php once again.
Migration is working.
So, please check and confirm if you see a new mapping data in the table ‘ub_migrate_map_step_x’… in your old M2 DB.
I tried on categories. But is it possible to run delta migration faster? Beacuse we have about 100 00 customers and its running slowly.
Actually, data migration speed depends on many factors. Anyway your case associates with a remote connection to the new M2 DB (DB on the Cloudways server), you need to wait for the process though.
Under this circumstance, you need to keep the Testing M2 instance for the next delta migration (because the mapping data is stored in this instance).
PS1. We highly recommend you do not follow the approach above since it is not supported by our module by default.
PS2. You can continue with the current Dev/Testing M2 instance. After you verify the migrated data ready for use as well as add all other data (for your custom theme, system configuration, etc), you can backup to the Cloundways server to make it as a production instance.
PS3. It would be best if you can install our module on an M2 instance on the Cloudways server (production instance). Then proceed with the data migration from there. You just try to check with Cloudways why the URL we mentioned in this ticket returned a Not Found issue:
https://www.ubertheme.com/question/problem-with-installed-ub-data-migration-pro/#answer-590828 and find a workaround for it.
Ubertheme team