Kidsland template dont work ok on multishop

We buy from you the Kidsland template but dont work ok with multipleshops
We can edit and save settings on “all stores view” we can only edit and save on kidsland shop view.
We need instructions to resolve issue.
Please dont ask for ftp or backoffice login. We have a developer to do this, please send instuctions to try resove issue.
If necessary we can put our developer talking with you.
Paulo Aguiar
You can see template working in live shop:

1 answer

Profile photo of tuan le van 11570.00 $tone September 8, 2015

Hi Niobo.
I need a closer look to detect the root of the issue. Please provide me the url, admin , screenshots and FTP credentials of your site Or you can put yourdeveloper talking with me, please.
Best regards,


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