I have a problem with the slideshow with a custom admin role.
When I try to access slideshow admin panel, it loads endlessly and nothing happens but the loader turning.
I tried to add :
protected function _isAllowed() {
return Mage::getSingleton(‘adminhtml’)->isAllowed(‘jmslideshow/adminhtml_index/listImages’);
in app/design/adminhtml/default/default/template/jmslideshow/head.phtml.
The page loads now but I do not have all the admin otpions.
I really need some help here as my client can not edit slideshow.
Best regards,
6 answers
Hi David Porré,
I need a closer look to detect the root of issue as you said. Let’s provide me the site URL, admin and FTP credentials of your site.
Hi David Porré,
Yes, i see the issue as you said. Did you install update the latest version of JM Slideshow for this site?
Also, i need to check further current settings of your site. Let’s provide me the super admin credentials.
Hi David Porré,
When I try to access slideshow admin panel, it loads endlessly and nothing happens but the loader turning.
To solve the issue, let’s open the PHP file at path: app/code/local/JoomlArt/JmSlideshow/controllers/Adminhtml/IndexController.php
and add more bellow function:
protected function _isAllowed()
return true;
In your case, i have do it for you and the issue was solved. Please have a look.
Best regards,
Thanks a lot for that one, I will take a close look at the file to see what changed and understand the problem.
Best regards,
Hi David Porré,
Yes, let’s contact me if you need further assistance!