I would like to increase the logo size in JM-Sporty theme.
Can somebody tell me where is the code that I shall modify?
Actually I need to upload a picture of 60px high instead of the standard 39pix and if possible without moving down the menu bar
5 answers
So that I can try to best assist you, please provide the url of the site you’re working on.
thanks TomC,
I would like to increase the logo size in JM-Sporty theme.
Can somebody tell me where is the code that I shall modify?
Actually I need to upload a picture of 60px high instead of the standard 39pix and if possible without moving down the menu bar
Have you uploaded your "actual size" logo yet?
The CSS file path for where you modify your logo can be found at --> /magento/skin//frontend/default/jm_sporty/wavethemes/jmbasetheme/profiles/izy-1/izy-1.css.php
at line 13:
h1#logo a { background-image: url("images/default/TEST-NEWDARK-GREY-IZY-LOGO-transparent.png") !important; }
and modifying the dimensions of such can be found --> /magento/skin/frontend/default/jm_sporty/css/styles.css
at line 276:
h1#logo a { color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0); display: block; font-size: 250%; height: 33px; margin: 13px 0 0; text-decoration: none; text-indent: -99999px; width: 131px; }
thanks a lot for your help.
I appreciate a lot.
Glad to be of assistance . . . All the best with your continuing site development.