Photo selling template for magento would be awesome!
13 answers
I would be interested in this aswell.
I buy the magento template club membership when making the photo selling specific template.
I would be interested in a photography storefront template as well.
Yes, photos, digital graphics, templates or any creative arts selling shop would certainly a very good business idea. Your suggestions will be in priority of design for the upcoming Magento club templates. Thank you
wow, that is great news!!!
I would be very interested in a photography template as well.
I’ll buy the template asa this is done.
So guies, did you check out Sulfur ? Sounds like JA Team listened to you !
Well let’s see it in action!
JA_Sulfur is not ready yet, JM is -- lets wait for the JA licensed template.
Sulfur is pretty good, but I am finding it takes forever to add downloadable products. It takes me on average 3 minutes to add one product. If I am selling 15000 images, then how long will it take me to upload them all?
Hehe. There needs to be a far better way of adding products. This, however, is not JA’s problem. It is merely how Magento is designed to handle downloadable products.
I would be interested to
Sulfur is nice, but slow as all magento, that’s true. It is some speed on template, but any way it should be faster.
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