I worked the J-trex theme on a magento installed on a local server. I try to replicate it on a live server and the Mega Menu is showing in 2 of 3 views. I don’t know what happens
Could someone help please?
10 answers
HI Raul Angeli,
I need a closer look to detect the root of the issue. Please provide me the url, admin and FTP credentials of your site.
Best Regards
Kan Lee
Hi Raul Angeli,
You could sent to a private message for me.
Kan Lee
Hi Raul Angeli,
Please give me permission to edit the files in your account’s FTP credentials.
Best regards,
Kan Lee
Hi Raul Angeli,
I have created a backup and edited the template file at /magento/app/code/local/Wavethemes/Jmmegamenu/Block/jmmegamenu.php and your website works fine now.
And contact me if you need further help.
Best regards,
Kan Lee
Hi Kan
Thank you very much. It works perfect.
Hi Raul Angeli,
I edited this file line : 56 to 67.
You could compare the new file with the backup file . line 56 to 67
Best regards,
Kan Lee