Migrate subcategories as root, and custom options.

Question 1:
We have several stores installed on one M1, and which use one root category for the main store, while the other store views use subcategories set up as root categories.
For example, an office furniture store would look like this:

  • Catalog (root for desksandchairs.com)
    • Desks (root for desks.com)
      • Computer Desks
      • Writing Desks
    • Chairs (root for chairs.com)
      • Rolling Chairs
      • Stationary Chairs

Catalog M2 doesn’t seem to be able to use subcategories as root anymore even with changes to the code. Can this extension copy a subcategory on M1 for a particular store view as a root category on M2 for that store view, so that the M2 categories would change to this:

  • Catalog (root for desksandchairs.com)
    • Desks
      • Computer Desks
      • Writing Desks
    • Chairs
      • Rolling Chairs
      • Stationary Chairs
  • Desks (root for desks.com)
    • Computer Desks
    • Writing Desks
  • Chairs (root for chairs.com)
    • Rolling Chairs
    • Stationary Chairs

Question 2:
We also have several products using custom options, but which are set up as simple products, not configurable. They must remain this way so that we don’t have to add/edit thousands of products in the accounting system to match the new SKUs. The other migration service we tried changed these to a configurable product that doesn’t work, and, on top of that, put every single custom option into the default attribute set, which slows down the catalog. Can these simple products with custom options on M1 be migrated to remain simple products with custom options on M2?

3 answers

Profile photo of ubdev Staff 98590.00 $tone April 4, 2021

Hi there, 
We’d like to answer your questions below: 

Can these simple products with custom options on M1 be migrated to remain simple products with custom options on M2?

We wonder if your M1 product’s custom options were created via the M1’s core functions only or via a third-party extension. 
If that was done via the core function in the M1, our module already covers such custom options. After being migrated, products with such custom options look like this product type in M2:

Can this extension copy a subcategory on M1 for a particular store view as a root category on M2 for that store view,

We’re afraid this will need additional customization to convert the categories as you want. If you select to move forward with this option, we will estimate the time and the extra customization fee. 
Ubertheme team

Profile photo of ubdev Staff 98590.00 $tone April 5, 2021

Hi there, 
Please help to send us an email to info (at) ubertheme.com, we will follow up with you there. 
Ubertheme team


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