on step 5, after +/- 30min of migrate product I got
Now when i try rerun I got this
What could make it, and how can I fix it?
8 answers
Hi Krzysztof Kacela,
Seem your Magento 2 database is not a fresh installation before you run migrate your data with this tool?
Please follow the guide of this tool at: https://github.com/ubertheme/module-ubdatamigration
Yeah it was not fresh when I try to re run, but i don’t know why Internet Server Error appear first time meanwhile migrating product to clean DB,
anyway after next try it just skip me to next step (idk why), and I finished migration without more issues. I will see if all will work.
Hi Krzysztof Kacela.
Yes, You have to take the Magento 2 is a fresh installation before use this tool to migrate your data.
Let’s contact me, if you have additional question.
In case you want to use our service to migrate your data, please submit at https://www.ubertheme.com/magento-custom-services/
I tried to migrate data to magento2 everything goes good till I get to step 5 (Step 5: Migrate Products). to fix it I have increased max execution time to 21000 and terminate request time to 21000 and fastcgi read timeout to 21000 for all site on my server nginx but still getting the same error.
Could you please help me, I have been trying to fix it and migrate the data couple of months.
Best Regards
Hi Malik,
Data migration might see unexpected issue due various factors, both from database and server perspectives. Our migration tool is provided on as-is basis, without support, so it’s hard for us to give you help in this case.
If you consider our migration service, you can reach us via our custom service, as Mall mentioned in previous reply.
Thanks for your understanding,
An Nguyen
I have same issue but with fresh installation of mag 2.06 and it does not go past step5
Guru one,
I think this tool never worked as we thought it would. I think it is intentionally made with faults so that this company can make money. Because when this tool gives error and we are not able to solve it we will automatically turn to ubertheme and then they will give us offer to choose the paid service like in my case. I gave up migrating, I have sucessfully installed magento 2.0.6 and will add products manually.
Perhaps it is best to use Magento 1.9 for a while because all extensions for the Magento 2 are paid and not many of them yet.
@Guru one, I’ve just replied you via this ticket https://www.ubertheme.com/question/step5/
@Malik A, since our first release back in early 2015, we’ve many tweaks and upgrades to our free migration tool as noted here: https://www.ubertheme.com/magento-news/magento-2-data-migration-pro-release/
However, it’s hard to maintain huge volume of work on free basis, including both development and support workload. So we have decided to upgrade to a Premium version. This video (https://youtu.be/Jvr8d3OeB8M) will walk you through steps to migrate Magento 1 Magento 2 site, using our Premium tool. Please take a look to see if it is a good fit for your migration project.