I saw some posts dealing about that, but i could not figure out.
Group price from M1 are not available in M2 after migrating, but the table ‘catalog_product_entity_tier_price’
seems to have all prices data i need
their all assigned to website 0 and this is not accurate.
does it hurt if i update that using mysql ?
can i correct some code to have this done automatically in step 8 ?
3 answers
Hi there,
Group price from M1 are not available in M2 after migrating, but the table ‘catalog_product_entity_tier_price’
Yes, that is right. Since Magento 2 removed group prices, our migration tool helps to convert all group prices in M1 to tier prices in M2.
their all assigned to website 0 and this is not accurate.
That was because all your group prices in M1 has the website_id = 0. You can check the group prices in your M1 database in the table ‘catalog_product_entity_group_price’ again.
does it hurt if i update that using mysql ?
Yes, but please note that action will affect all original tier prices.
can i correct some code to have this done automatically in step 8 ?
If you are using our UB Data Migration Pro ver.3.1.9, you can learn more about the code section to migrate tier prices and group prices in the PHP file at: pub/ub-tool/protected/controllers/Step8Controller.php (From line 297 to line 325 like this screenshot: http://prntscr.com/omu3yp)
Hi Mall, thnaks for this detailled answer.
It seems that my problem is more complex.
In M1, i had configurable product with group price, and simple product attached, with unique price.
In M2 by default, it seems that group price are affected to simple products (part of configurable) and not on configurable anymore.
Group price have been imported by the migration on Configurable products (i can see them in the database) but they don’t show up in magento 2 backoffice, in the configurable product details.
Do you know, if i had to re-enter all the price for my simples attached to configurable, or is it possible/safe to change M2 behaviour to have price à Configurable level again ?