not all attributes are migrated

We have been using your migration pro version to migrate our magento 1.9 CE data to magento 2.1.5 CE .. 

I noticed you are migrating entity_type_id = 3 & 4 (catalog_category & catalog_product) but your not migrating entity_type_id=1 & 2 (customer & customer_address) ..

we want these user defined attributes to also be migrated. How can it be achieved with your tool ?

1 answer

Profile photo of ubdev Staff 98590.00 $tone April 14, 2017

Hi Pankaj, 
At present, our tool supports core and custom attributes for Product. For customers, we support core system attributes only, the custom fields for sales data are not handled yet. This is partially because such custom fields do not exist in default Magento 2. Further, for those are added manually or via third-party extensions, it would be best to leave such custom fields handled by the associated extensions, intead of separately migrating those. 
Hope that helps.
Ubertheme team


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