Possible to move product description

Hi is it possible to move the product description above the add to cart box on the product page?

It seems the users need to scroll down to get the description and sales info about the products and this might help with conversions?


1 answer

Profile photo of thangnn1510 0.00 $tone December 6, 2010

Hi Huzie!

To move product description above the add to cart box on the product page please do the following:

-- Open app/design/frontend/default/jm_galaxite/template/catalog/product/view.phtml

-- Add this to line 74

PHP Code:

<?php if(isset($this->getChildHtml('description'))) echo $this->getChildHtml('description'); ?>

-- Remove these code (line 121 to 123):

PHP Code:

<?php if ($_description $this->getChildHtml('description')):?>
            <li><a href="#ja-tab-decription"><?php echo $this->__('Product Description'?></a></li>
        <?php endif; ?>

-- Remove these code (line 141 to 147):

PHP Code:

<?php if ( $_description ):?>
            <div id="ja-tab-decription">
                <div class="collateral-box">
                    <?php echo $_description ?>
                <?php endif;?>

Hope this helps you .


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