After using the UB Data Migration tool, I’m no longer able to export Advanced Pricing or Products as CSV.
Customer Export is working as expected, but for products or pricing the filter attributes don’t load. There seems to be an Ajax call that fails to 500 ISE..
I assume this may be related to either the imported products or attributes / attribute sets..?
Edit: Actually, when reversing (resetting) the migration process step by step, this seems to be due to the categories migration, not products or attributes.. After categories are migrated I can no longer export products.
7 answers
Hi kyegil,
I have just check current your working and see you are pausing at the step #4 of our tool:
=> Let’s continue with data migration in others steps.
After using the UB Data Migration tool, I’m no longer able to export Advanced Pricing or Products as CSV.
Customer Export is working as expected, but for products or pricing the filter attributes don’t load. There seems to be an Ajax call that fails to 500 ISE..
I assume this may be related to either the imported products or attributes / attribute sets..?
To solve that, after migrated done in all steps with our tool. For each Attribute Set migrated, you have to open it and re-setting structure of related Attribute Group and Attributes. You can open the ‘Default’ Attribute Set of Magento 2 core to compare with your migrated Attribute Set to see what you have to do.
Example with your migrated Attribute Set named `Bags Migrated`:
Further, you can rename the Attribute Group name, drab/drop Attribute Groups, Attributes to get standard Attribute Set structure from Default Set of Magento 2 core.
And then save your Attribute Set after your changing.
And then re-index your migrated data and clean the Magento 2 cache.
Please have a look and do as my suggesting to solve the issue as you said.
Hi. I had moved back to step #4 (Categories) in order to identify where the problem occurred. I have now re-completed all steps of the migration tool.
I have added every available attribute to each of the attribute sets (system attributes category_ids, price_type and quantity_and_stock_status were missing in most of them). Then re-indexed.
However, the problem still persists…