Product Tabs and featured Products all the same

I have tried everything but under Featured Items the products that display for the 2 tabs I have set up are the same and are not specific to the tabs. They are from the total product list.

There are 2 tabs.. Kezi’s Patterns and Arlene’s Patterns. Both show the same thing and the products are not from the correct categories but instead look like all products.

I have IDs correct and have gone over the coding a number of times. I must be missing something.



6 answers

Profile photo of Mall Staff 184060.00 $tone September 22, 2014

Seem you are use old version of Jm ProductSlider extension.
Please PM me the FTP credentials of your site.
I will check further & resolve this issue for you.

Profile photo of Mall Staff 184060.00 $tone September 24, 2014

I have sent PM to you. Please check it. The issue of your website was resolved.
Please open the file at /app/code/local/joomlArt/JmProductsSlider/Block/List.php
and find to the block code:

PHP Code:

function addCategoryIdsFilter($products_collection){
$categories_to_filter explode(","$this->_config['catsid']);
$ctf = array();
        foreach (
$categories_to_filter as $k => $cat) {
$ctf[]['finset'] = $cat;
$products_collection->joinField('category_id''catalog/category_product''category_id''product_id = entity_id'null'left')

then replace it with block code bellow:

PHP Code:

public function addCategoryIdsFilter(&$collection)
$categoryIds explode(","$this->_config['catsid']);
count($categoryIds) == 1)
            foreach (
$categoryIds as $catId) {
$categoryModel Mage::getModel('catalog/category')->load($catId);
$collection->addCategoryFilter($categoryModel); //category filter
$ctf = array();
            foreach (
$categoryIds as $catId) {
$ctf[]['finset'] = $catId;
$collection->joinField('category_id''catalog/category_product''category_id''product_id = entity_id'null'left')

Let do it to resolve the issue of your site.


This question is now closed

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