Question about "Shopping Cart"


Hello community
I have a question about a setting.
If a customer is traveling with the mobile phone in shop, unfortunately, in the last step (to the checkout) where the button is buy, not everything is displayed on the page. The prices (that is, the right part) of the collection are not displayed.

Does someone have an idea how I can fix it?

Thanks for your help

5 answers

Profile photo of Ziven Staff 100720.00 $tone October 26, 2016

Hi Marco,
Please share me some screenshot to help me understand about the issue. Also, you bought the theme from us anywhere? I do not see you bought from system.
Best Regards,

Profile photo of Ziven Staff 100720.00 $tone October 26, 2016

Hi Marco,
Please leave the message to TF. We need sure you bought the theme from us for the best support. 
About the screenshot you can use this
Best Regards,

Profile photo of Marco Fasano 150.00 $tone October 26, 2016

Hi Ziven
What do you mean with TF. How am I supposed to show you or what do you need me to buy at Envato?
Sorry for my demand, am not a professional here.

Best Regards

Profile photo of Admin Staff -30640.00 $tone October 26, 2016

Hi Marco,
We’re sorry for additional request that you leave a comment on the Crafts theme on our Themeforest page (in the Comment section). This is part of our support workflow so that we can keep track of your payment (you can check this guideline in the Crafts introduction on Themeforest -- here (section 8 -- Support). 
Once done, please provide us via private message here the FPT credentials of your site, we will check and help you out.
PS. In case you need to keep your site confidential, you can send the screenshots (if any) via our email info (at)
An Nguyen 


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