Quickstart – Magento version 1.9

I bought Crafts theme. I installed the version contained in the Quickstart folder. The version of Magento is 1.8.1, I would like to know if it’s possible to have Quickstart installation with Magento 1.9?
Best Regards

  1. Profile photo of ZivenZiven Staff 100720.00 $tone October 14, 2014
    Hi Marco,
    We are have Quickstart JM Craft Magento 1.9, Please PM me your ftp credentials, I'll upload package to the root of your site.

    Best Regards,

1 answer

Profile photo of Lara 4810.00 $tone October 3, 2014

Hi Marco,
Could you please clarify where you bought theme Craft. Base on out support policy, we only support membership member 🙂
Looking for ward to hearing from you!


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