Hi guys, ive just updated my site to the latest version and the star rating syatem has dissapeared.
Can it be switched back on somehow ?
I know we had problems with it in the earlier version but it looked better having the product rated with stars and its more intuitive for the web user.
thanks for any help.
6 answers
Hi Cameron!
Welcome back. You couldn’t switch back the site the the lower version but Please give us your login information to the site you have upgraded to the support ticket INF-608-40890 in http://support.joomlart.com. I’ll check for you.
Thank you.
Hi guys, ive just updated my site to the latest version and the star rating syatem has dissapeared.
Can it be switched back on somehow ?
I know we had problems with it in the earlier version but it looked better having the product rated with stars and its more intuitive for the web user.
thanks for any help.
Anyone got any info about this ?
Hi Cameron!
Welcome back. You couldn’t switch back the site the the lower version but Please give us your login information to the site you have upgraded to the support ticket INF-608-40890 in http://support.joomlart.com. I’ll check for you.
Thank you.
hi thangnn, ive updated the sytem with the info you requested.
let me know if you need anything else and as usual -- thanks for helping me
Hi Cameron!
Thanks for giving us the login information. I have got it back for you. Next time if you meet this problem please go to admin -> catalog -> Reviews and Ratings -> manage Ratings and edit or add new Rating. In "Visible In" parameter, please choose your store you want to display the rating.
Tell us if you need more help.
Thank you.
hi again, recently when posting when nobody has replied -- or even in this case when there is a reply a support ticket is also created and that ticket then closes automatically.
it seems confusing that posting on the forum also makes a ticket.
and what are we waiting for ?
a reply on the forum or the ticket or both ?
just curious, and a little confused
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