I have set the ja_vars.php to the following as suggested in other posts to remove the Color Menu Item in the TOP Menu.
$_params->set(‘usertool_font’, 0); //0: disable, 2: show font tools
$_params->set(‘usertool_color’, 0); //0: disable, 4: show colors tools
I want to disable the menu item and have it disappear completely but for some reason even after making the changes the menu item remains.
Site http://www.topline worldwide.com/ <—no space
Any idea why it wont remove the Color Menu Item?
1 answer
Dear jrhodes78!
Regarding your problem, I have checked your site and see that the color menu has been removed completely (You can see that in our screenshot menu.png). Could you give us the screenshot from your side and which browser you are using?
This is also an article to help you in disable and complete delete the menu color:
Hope this helps and good luck to you!