Removing multiple language stores

I have installed JM Topaz template using the quickstart method. I only want to have an English store but can find no way to remove Your Language drop down menu from the top of the header. Your help would be much appreciated.

3 answers

Profile photo of JA Developer 0.00 $tone February 26, 2010

Hi you

Please open app\design\frontend\default\jm_topaztemplate\page \html\header.phtml file, find following code section:


<?php echo $this->getChildHtml('store_language') ?>

to remove.

Profile photo of Heng CHeong Kum 0.00 $tone March 11, 2010

You can try this:

Log in to your admin
System > Manage Stores
Under ‘Store View Name", click on the language you want to disable.
Then at the ‘enable’ column, you can choose to disable it.

I think if you have multiple languange, there should be a delete button too.

Profile photo of Lyle Newton 0.00 $tone March 19, 2010

I want to thank both of you for your replies to my question. I really appreciate it. I am sure that the first answer from JA Developer would have worked as he also helped me with another question I had but baboonbaboon’s solution was better as I didn’t have to play with code but just change a setting in the admin section. I had looked around to try to find a way to disable the other languages but obviously not there. Thanks again to both of you.


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