Hi, support,
Please view: http://www.musa-retail.com/product-c…s/incense.html
The Shop By Price icon suddenly appears on my category pages, and I can’t find a way of getting rid of it! Would you have any idea what modification may have caused this? It is not to do with the extensions I have installed recently. iIchecked this myself. It must be some file I have replaced!
I ‘ll appreciate your advise please.
Thank you.
1 answer
Hi Susan!
To remove link Shop By on top right menu, you can open this file: app\design\frontend\default\<jm_wall or your theme>template\page\html\header.phtml
comment or remove code like this:
PHP Code:
<!-- BEGIN: SHOP BY-->
<?php // if ($this->getChildHtml('catalog.leftnav')): ?>
<div id="ja-shopby" class="has-toggle">
<div class="btn-toggle shopby-toggle">
<span> </span><strong><?php // echo $this->__('Shop By') ?></strong>
<div class="inner clearfix">
<?php // echo $this->getChildHtml('catalog.leftnav') ?>
<?php // endif; ?>
<!-- END: SHOP BY-->
Then flush magento cache in System->Cache Management
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