Hello, I noticed this problem with the template. I’ve attached a screenshot. Under Shopping Options / Category and Price both have problems with the bullet lists. The words overlap the bullet. Seems like the words should be indented a bit. How can I fix it?
2 answers
Dear websner!
Thanks for your report. I have checked and report this bug to the designer who care this project:
She should check and fix. This is quick solution for you:
Open /skin/frontend/default/jm_morganite/css/theme.css and find this code:
HTML Code:
.narrow-by dd li a, #narrow-by-list dd li a { color: #353535; }
change to:
HTML Code:
.narrow-by dd li a, #narrow-by-list dd li a { color: #353535; padding: 2px 15px; }
Thank you! This did the trick! Joomlart has the best support of any template site I have used!
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