I started Migration from my Magento 1.9 site and now I have an Error stating “More than one default website is defined”
Any clue how to resolve this?
Ok, I have opened that table and I have 3 options:Code: Admin -- Name: Admin which ‘is_default’ is set to 0Code: base -- Name: Main Website which ‘is_default’ is set to 1Code: base_migrated -- Name: which ‘is_default’ is set to 1Do I need to update any value with those?
10 answers
Hi sward,
What version of our tool in your working now?
I don’t know why you got that issue but you can solve that by manual update the `store_website` table. Let view this table in your Magento2’s database and set only for once front-end website with value of the field `is_default` = 1.
And clean the Magento2 cache after your changing.
And tell me know how it goes.
Ok, I have opened that table and I have 3 options:
Code: Admin -- Name: Admin which ‘is_default’ is set to 0
Code: base -- Name: Main Website which ‘is_default’ is set to 1
Code: base_migrated -- Name: which ‘is_default’ is set to 1
Do I need to update any value with those?
Hi there,
You can run bellow sql in database of your Magento2:
Update store_website Set is_default = 0 Where code = 'base';
And tell me know how it goes.
Ok, I now have the error listed down below:
But I do not have a Proxy.php file in this directory.
I initially received some permission error that I corrected and then got an error for a “Session” folder that also didnt exist in a particular directory. I thought I set up all initial permissions that were needed in the beginning.
The specified "https://www.ubertheme.com/magento2/var/generation/Magento/Customer/Model/ResourceModel/Customer/Proxy.php.4369" file could not be written Warning!file_put_contents(/magento2/var/generation/Magento/Customer/Model/ResourceModel/Customer/Proxy.php.4369): failed to open stream: Permission denied
Hi there,
That issue related to folder/file permission of the var
Let’s try with bellow CLI commands in your terminal:
php -f bin/magento maintenance:enable
rm -R var/* pub/static/*
php -f bin/magento setup:static-content:deploy
php -f bin/magento setup:di:compile
php -f bin/magento maintenance:disable
And tell me know hot it goes.
Sorry for the delay- had to update memory settings. Completed above steps and now have this error.
Warning: file_put_contents(/magento2/var/cache//mage-tags/mage---326_MAGE): failed to open stream: Permission denied in /magento2/vendor/colinmollenhour/cache-backend-file/File.php on line 663
Hi there,
Let’s try re-chmod to the folder named ‘var’ by command: chmod -R 777 var
And tell me know hot it goes.
I was able to gain access back into Magento with the above command but now I have alot of errors dealing with require.js and none of the secondary menus in magento admin will pop-up when clicked.
https://mydomain.com/magento2/pub/static/version1487608168/adminhtml/Magento/backend/en_US/jquery/jquery-storageapi.js 404 (Not Found)
Uncaught Error: Script error for: jquery/jquery-storageapi
Resolved that issue
The issue was with HTTPS -- I had to re-run php -f bin/magento setup:static-content:deploy w/ HTTPS=”on” at the begining