Tax expand bug on checkout

Our Magento is set to display the tax details on the cart / checkout page but a [+] sign which indicates to the user he can expand the tax to see the details is missing. The [-] should also be set to collapse the tax details. These [+] and [-} appears on the Magento default template so I guess this is a small bug in the JP_PAINITE template.

See pictures attached.

Thank you.

4 answers

Profile photo of Antoine Ubavicius 0.00 $tone February 25, 2011

I fixed this bug by adding


tr.summary-total {
	cursor: pointer;

tr.summary-total .summary-collapse {
	float: right;
	padding: 0px 0 0 15px;
	background: url(../images/bg_collapse.gif) 0 4px no-repeat;
	cursor: pointer;	
} .summary-collapse {
	background-position: 0 -53px;

in /skin/frontend/default/jm_painite/css/theme.css

Profile photo of thangnn1510 0.00 $tone March 24, 2011

Thanks Netbuilder for your fix. You could also try this way:

Go to /skin/frontend/default/jm_painite/css/theme.css and then replace class ".tax-total" with "tr.summary-total".



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